Once you’ve created or imported a wallet and have reached the home page of Slingshot Wallet, you’re ready to begin swapping.
Click ‘Swap’ from the home page to enter the details of the swap you’d like to place.
2. Once you’re on the Swap Page, you can switch networks, search for preferred tokens, and modify your swap.
3. After you’ve chosen your preferred network and the tokens you’d like to swap for, enter the amount you’d like to place your swap for. Please note, if you have insufficient assets in your current Wallet to place the requested swap, you will need to add funds into your Wallet or switch Wallets to use an existing one that has sufficient funds.
4. You will be able to see the estimated value of tokens you will receive from your swap. Once you have sufficient funds in your Wallet, click ‘Review Swap’ to view additional swap information, including speed, max slippage, and network fee.
5. If you are satisfied with the swap details, click ‘Place Swap’ to finalize your swap. While your swap is pending, you will have the option ‘Cancel’ or ‘Speed up’ your swap for a small fee.
6. You will receive an ‘Swap Complete’ message to verify that your swap has successfully been made. If you receive an ‘Order Failed’ message, double check that you have sufficient funds and a secure connection before attempting to place your swap again.
Please note: If your app crashes or your swap fails, your assets are safe and in your control. You are able to report bugs in the Settings tab of the app, if you believe it’s a recurring issue.